Employers partnerships – connections with AUEB MSc Business Analytics
2022-2023 |
Accenture | https://www.accenture.com/gr-en |
ATHENA RESEARCH CENTER | https://www.athenarc.gr/en/home |
Avramar | https://avramar.eu/?lang=el |
BIG DATA LAB | https://bigdatalab.ai/ |
Dataphoria | https://www.dataphoria.gr/ |
Deloitte | https://www2.deloitte.com/gr/en.html |
efood | https://www.e-food.gr/ |
Hellenic Electricity Distribution Network Operator SA | https://deddie.gr/en/ |
ImprovIT | https://www.improvit.gr/ |
Interamerican | https://www.interamerican.gr/ |
KPMG | https://kpmg.com/gr/el/home.html |
Linked Business | https://www.linkedbusiness.gr/ |
Marsh | https://www.marsh.com/us/home.html |
NetSteps | https://netsteps.gr/el/ |
Nomikos Transworld Maritime Agencies SA | https://www.amnomikos.com/ |
Oracle Hellas | https://www.oracle.com/gr/ |
Satalia | https://www.satalia.com/ |
Vodafone | https://www.vodafone.gr/ |
2021-2022 |
AB Vassilopoulos | https://www.ab.gr/ |
Accenture | https://www.accenture.com/gr-en |
Agile Actors | https://www.agileactors.com/ |
Ahold Delhaize | https://www.aholddelhaize.com/ |
Ammon Ovis Ltd | https://www.ammonovis.com/ |
Athens Stock Excange | https://www.athexgroup.gr/web/guest/home |
Augmenta | https://www.augmenta.ag/ |
BIG DATA LAB | https://bigdatalab.ai/ |
Celestino | https://www.celestino.gr/ |
Cerved Property Services | https://www.cervedpropertyservices.com/el |
Decision Support Systems Laboratory of the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, NTUA | https://www.epu.ntua.gr/ |
Frontier Science Foundation Hellas | https://www.frontier-science.gr/ |
Joint Research Center (JRC) of the EU | https://commission.europa.eu/about-european-commission/departments-and-executive-agencies/joint-research-centre_en |
Lamda Development Company | https://www.lamdadev.com/en/ |
Neurocom | https://www.neurocom.gr/ |
Skroutz | https://www.skroutz.gr/ |
2020-2021 |
A&G Paper SA | https://www.angpaper.gr/ |
BIG DATA LAB | https://bigdatalab.ai/ |
Business IT Solutions Α.Ε (impovIT) | https://www.improvit.gr/ |
CARDLINK SA | https://cardlink.gr/ |
Celestino | https://www.celestino.gr/ |
Cerved Properties services | https://www.cervedpropertyservices.com/el |
Deloitte Business Solutions SA | https://www2.deloitte.com/gr/en.html |
EFG EUROBANK | https://www.eurobank.gr/el/retail |
ERGOTRAK SA | https://ergotrak.gr/ |
HELLAS DIRECT | https://www.hellasdirect.gr/ |
Hellenic Electricity Distribution Network Operator S.A. | https://deddie.gr/en/ |
Interamerican | https://www.interamerican.gr/ |
MINERVA MARINE INC. | https://www.minervamarine.com/ |
Netlink SA | https://www.netlink.gr/ |
OPAP | https://www.opap.gr/ |
OTE Group – Cosmote | https://www.cosmote.gr/hub/ |
Primary Decision Support Systems | https://primary.gr/ |
TEKA Systems | https://tekasystems.gr/ |
Teleperformance | https://teleperformance.com/ |
VERLABS | https://www.verlabs.com/ |
Vimachem | https://www.vimachem.com/ |
EY | https://www.ey.com/en_gl |
2019-2020 |
TELOGICAL SYSTEMS | https://www.telogicalsystems.com/ |
XPLAIN | https://xplain.co/#disruptive-marketing-intelligence-firm |
ATTICA BANK | https://www.atticabank.gr/en/ |
BEAT | https://thebeat.co/en/?intl=1 |
OPAP | https://www.opap.gr/en/ |
ICAP S.A. | https://www.icap.gr/ |
DELOITTE | https://www2.deloitte.com/gr/en.html |
INTRASOFT | https://www.intrasoft-intl.com/ |
ACCENTURE | https://www.accenture.com/gr-en |
ORACLE | https://www.oracle.com/index.html |
ACCEPTED LTD | www.accepted.gr |
STOR SERVICES LTD | https://storfund.com/ |
PROPULSION ANALYTICS | https://propulsionanalytics.com/ |
GOOGLE DUBLIN | https://careers.google.com/locations/dublin/ |
EFOOD | https://www.e-food.gr/ |
ITEAM SA | https://www.iteam.gr/ |
TIRESIAS | https://www.tiresias.gr/en/ |
Bewise | https://www.bewise.gr/ |
BIG DATA LAB | https://bigdatalab.ai/ |
Palo Services | https://www.paloservices.com/ |
Vodafone-Panafon SA | https://www.vodafone.gr/ |
IRI | https://www.iriworldwide.com/en-ca |
KiNNO Consultants Ltd | https://www.kinno.eu/en/ |
Cerved Property Services | https://www.cervedpropertyservices.com/en |
CLIENT IQ | https://www.linakis.com/en |
2018-2019 |
ADZUNA | https://www.adzuna.co.uk/ |
e-TRAVEL | https://www.e-travel.gr/ |
EY | https://www.ey.com/en_gl |
SATALIA | https://www.satalia.com/ |
KPMG | https://home.kpmg/gr/el/home/about/overview.html |
EUROBANK | https://www.eurobank.gr/el/retail |
IBM | https://www.ibm.com/gr-en |
ΑΚΚΑ (Belgium) | https://www.akka-technologies.com/ |
EUROPEAN CENTRAL BANK (GERMANY) | https://www.ecb.europa.eu/euro/coins/html/de.en.html |
MARINE TRAFFIC | https://www.marinetraffic.com/ |
IRI | https://www.iriworldwide.com/gr-GR |
DELOITTE | https://www2.deloitte.com/gr/en.html |
KOOLMETRIX | https://www.koolmetrix.gr/ |
COMMSQUARE | https://www.commsquare.com/ |
ACCENTURE | https://www.accenture.com/gr-en |
OPAP | https://www.opap.gr/ |
INTRASOFT INTERNATIONAL | https://www.intrasoft-intl.com/ |
NESTLE | https://www.nestle.gr/ |
2017-2018 |
ACCEPTED LTD | https://www.accepted.gr/ |
TIRESIAS | https://www.tiresias.gr/ |
PALO SERVICES | https://www.paloservices.com/el/ |
ITMC S.A. | https://www.itmc.gr/el/ |
EY | https://www.ey.com/gr/en/home |
PIRAEUS BANK | https://www.piraeusbank.gr/el/idiwtes |
ANALYTICAL VIEW | https://www.analyticalview.com/ |
MSC SHIPPING | https://www.msc.com/# |
REAL CONSULTING | https://www.realconsulting.gr/ |
MSPS | https://www.msps.net/ |
QUALCO | https://www.qualco.eu/ |
FORTUNE TECHNOLOGIES | https://www.frtntech.com/ |
SAP HELLAS | https://www.sap.com/greece/index.html |
BLENDO | https://www.blendo.co/ |
SenseOne Technologies SA | https://www.senseone.io/ |
MARINE TRAFFIC | https://www.marinetraffic.com/ |
DIRIGO | https://www.dirigo.gr/ |
INTERAMERICAN | https://www.interamerican.gr/ |
HELLENIC TELECOMMUNICATIONS ORGANISATION | https://www.cosmote.gr/cs/otegroup/gr/ote_ae.html |
ΙΒΜ | https://www.ibm.com/gr-el/ |
EUROLIFE ERB | https://www.eurolife.gr/ |
NATIONAL BANK OF GREECE | https://www.nbg.gr/ |
ACCENTURE | https://www.accenture.com/gr-en |
2016-2017 |
ISOBAR IPROSPECT SA | https://www.isobar.com/gr/en/ |
ALPHA BANK | https://www.alpha.gr/ |
VODAFONE- PANAFON S.A. | https://www.vodafone.gr/ |
EY | https://www.ey.com/en_gl |
HELLENIC TELECOMMUNICATIONS ORGANISATION | https://www.cosmote.gr/cs/otegroup/gr/ote_ae.html |
SYNAPSE PTY LTD (AUSTRALIA) | https://synapsemedical.com.au/ |
INTERAMERICAN | https://www.interamerican.gr/ |
DEMO UP GMGH | https://www.demoup.com/ |
CLIENT IQ | https://www.clientiq.gr/gr/ |
ICAP | https://www.icap.gr/ |
FIRST DATA HELLAS S.A. | https://www.firstdata.com/en_gr/home.html/index.html |
TRIPSTA | https://www.tripsta.net/ |